The California Legionary Manual

Edition 1
  1. Proclamation of the Vicennial ᚼ
  2. The California Plan ᚼ
  3. The Legionary System ᚼ
  4. Translatio imperii
  5. Pax Californiana ᚼ
  6. The Legion and the Auxiliary ᚼ
  7. The Battalionate System ᚼ
  8. Cotillion ᚼ Intergatheration
  9. The Free Territory ᚼ
  10. Legiondom ᚼ
  11. On War and Militarism ᚼ
  12. 25 Points of the California Legionary Movement

Edition 2
  1. Dictation of the Plenary Alps
  2. On Violence
  3. On Power
  4. On War
  5. 12-23-23
  6. Exemplars of Legiondom
  7. Dream of St. Augustine
  8. Jus ad bellum
  9. St. Francis of Assisi
  10. St. Ignatius of Loyola

Edition 3
  1. First Epistle on Militarian Ethics
  2. Second Epistle on Militarian Ethics
  3. Defenses of Legiondom
  4. The History of the Legion
  5. The Federal Problem
  6. The Cogglehorn
  7. The Parable of the Mountain King
  8. On Imperium and Power
  9. Greater California
  10. The May Update

Edition 4
  1. Ode to California

The Legion —
  1. A militaristic multitude, enlisted or conscripted, for the execution of a common aim; notably foreign legions: an international brigade of volunteers fighting for an agreed purpose or to uphold a common standard, generally ideology bound, rather than national or societal.
  2. The basic unit of the Ancient Roman military, consisting of 3,000-6,000 men.
  3. A vast host, multitude, or number of people or things.


5. Legiondom

From the Mount 

       Legiondom is a philosophical doctrine: a system of rule, a type of dominion, a code of ethics, a lens for critical analysis, a political belief. It is the propoundment of all human philosophies with intention, the culminative aims of effort in action and will with motion, the orchestration of human endeavor behind reason with purpose. It is the amalgam of centuries of holy legacy, the torch-bearing of an ancient consecution of legiondoms which have dictated to posterity. Thus as the legions before, so to the legions now, and to all legions shall be; legacy without end. 

What is the Legion?

       The Legion is the physical amalgum of militarism manifest. It encompasses the whole conscriptory, enlistry, and commissionary dedication of physical labor past, present, and future. This concept is transcendent of good or bad, various times in history have found the Legion in the derogation of ethics acting emancipate sui juris of all contemporary authority. The principle of the Legion is absent of moral weight, the Legion is and can be mobilized to ends of moral good or moral wrong. It is a contemporality that the Legion, under the Charter of St. Augustine, shall undertake war on behalf of good faith and safety. The Legion is its legacy. The long line of ancestral Legions, the translatio imperium whose torch has been passed from Legion to Legion raising the collectivity of imperium to its heights in each subsequent era. Wherever imperium resounds, the Legion is. Every great episode of history has had its Legion, in every great theatre where the wheel of humanity has turned. From the mountains to the sea, in war and in peace, where men strive in legacy for the furtherance of posterity, there is Legion.

- Militarism: regimentation/mobilization, strategy/tactics
- Legionarism: fighting beyond nationality, choosing your battles
- Legacy/legency: entelechy/imperium; self-determination and self-actualization
