The California Legionary Manual

Edition 1
  1. Proclamation of the Vicennial ᚼ
  2. The California Plan ᚼ
  3. The Legionary System ᚼ
  4. Translatio imperii
  5. Pax Californiana ᚼ
  6. The Legion and the Auxiliary ᚼ
  7. The Battalionate System ᚼ
  8. Cotillion ᚼ Intergatheration
  9. The Free Territory ᚼ
  10. Legiondom ᚼ
  11. On War and Militarism ᚼ
  12. 25 Points of the California Legionary Movement

Edition 2
  1. Dictation of the Plenary Alps
  2. On Violence
  3. On Power
  4. On War
  5. 12-23-23
  6. Exemplars of Legiondom
  7. Dream of St. Augustine
  8. Jus ad bellum
  9. St. Francis of Assisi
  10. St. Ignatius of Loyola

Edition 3
  1. First Epistle on Militarian Ethics
  2. Second Epistle on Militarian Ethics
  3. Defenses of Legiondom
  4. The History of the Legion
  5. The Federal Problem
  6. The Cogglehorn
  7. The Parable of the Mountain King
  8. On Imperium and Power
  9. Greater California
  10. The May Update

Edition 4
  1. Ode to California

The Legion —
  1. A militaristic multitude, enlisted or conscripted, for the execution of a common aim; notably foreign legions: an international brigade of volunteers fighting for an agreed purpose or to uphold a common standard, generally ideology bound, rather than national or societal.
  2. The basic unit of the Ancient Roman military, consisting of 3,000-6,000 men.
  3. A vast host, multitude, or number of people or things.


Pax Californiana


       California sits afore vanguard of the epoch steering the ship across the main. Just as her lady before her, and hers before that, world without end. Such is the Pax of Legiondom, the victuals of Legionary ouvrage as it echoes the halls of posterity. Legiondom has been active in all major movements of man, in Rome first sanctioned, and passed as monstrance the eagles of the Legion through each subsequent world head until now: California the legatee of Legiondom whose arete shepherds the world through peril.   


       What makes California exceptional is an essence, an aura, arete. The way of which Californians are is a Legionary way that has dominated the virtues of participants of the great societies throughout history. Knowledge, culture, productivity, innovation, and that mystique which lends the land to fortune’s favor beyond reasonable sense. In California there was literally and figuratively gold flowing in the rivers. The soil is fertile beyond ethereal bound, blissed patria soused in terra preta divine. O Rome of the modern day, whose sacred streets and hallowed passage guide the flights of Herculean grace.

Roman Succession

       The Fifth empire theory and Roman succession has long been debated in analysis of the various caput mundis. The desire to trace a lineage through each major epicenter for their respective epoch is an interminable topic beyond reprove. In countenance of this topic, the ancestry of the Legion provides the ultimate lineage of herity that elucidates the topic above vain preponderances and plants the answer firmly in history. At various times in history, culutral capitols have arisen that share traits of legiondom: military dominance, art and culture, language prevalence, this recasting is the history of imperium. As imperium has been fought over, the mantel of legion has passed from the hands of once mighty ruler to venerable successor time and again. As Babylon was toppled by Persia, who was toppled by Greece, who was toppled by Rome, who was toppled by Islam, who was toppled by Christendom, who was toppled by Protestants, who were toppled by Federalists which is where we currently find ourselves in the epic. A more complete heredity can be found: here. The spirit of Legiondom is peripatetic, its traits efficaciously transfiguring the host nations where it sounds.
      There can be no denying California is the caput mundi of the era. It has been caput mundi for quite a long time now, though recognition has been obfuscated, California is the subject of art and songs, the object of affection for the writer and the poet, the tilling field for the entrepreneur and the world-maker, machine shop for the inventor, launchpad for the politicant, and Olympus for the starlets who are lauded with adoration.