The California Legionary Manual

Edition 1
  1. Proclamation of the Vicennial ᚼ
  2. The California Plan ᚼ
  3. The Legionary System ᚼ
  4. Translatio imperii
  5. Pax Californiana ᚼ
  6. The Legion and the Auxiliary ᚼ
  7. The Battalionate System ᚼ
  8. Cotillion ᚼ Intergatheration
  9. The Free Territory ᚼ
  10. Legiondom ᚼ
  11. On War and Militarism ᚼ
  12. 25 Points of the California Legionary Movement

Edition 2
  1. Dictation of the Plenary Alps
  2. On Violence
  3. On Power
  4. On War
  5. 12-23-23
  6. Exemplars of Legiondom
  7. Dream of St. Augustine
  8. Jus ad bellum
  9. St. Francis of Assisi
  10. St. Ignatius of Loyola

Edition 3
  1. First Epistle on Militarian Ethics
  2. Second Epistle on Militarian Ethics
  3. Defenses of Legiondom
  4. The History of the Legion
  5. The Federal Problem
  6. The Cogglehorn
  7. The Parable of the Mountain King
  8. On Imperium and Power
  9. Greater California
  10. The May Update

Edition 4
  1. Ode to California

The Legion —
  1. A militaristic multitude, enlisted or conscripted, for the execution of a common aim; notably foreign legions: an international brigade of volunteers fighting for an agreed purpose or to uphold a common standard, generally ideology bound, rather than national or societal.
  2. The basic unit of the Ancient Roman military, consisting of 3,000-6,000 men.
  3. A vast host, multitude, or number of people or things.


The Legionary System

The Legionary System of rule is one founded on the principles of imperium and entelechy. 

The Legionary System brings to creation the instance of three core concepts: The Legion, the Free Territory, and Cotillion.

The Legion is an autarkic military polity, an institution for the collective facilitation of life and labor. The Legion is all of necessary human labor combined into one institution.

The Free Territory is the wilderness of nature, the dominion of all beasts of the earth with no master or rule, save God. The Free Territory is the host within which the Legion operates.

Cotillion is the mass intergatheration assembly for the democratic institutions of a post-Legionate society, where the battalions of labor meet and orchestrate the production of social and civil infrastructure.

The Legion reifies democracy through direct action of the participants, through distribution of self-determining power of violence. 

A society organized according to Legiondom consists of a structure that empowers potestas. Potestas refers to the raw individual power to motivate and mobilize members of a group and is a fundamental element of community.

Legionaries organize themselves into self-deterministic battalions which act autonomously and cooperate jointly in a military suprastructure for the efficient delegation of missions and operations. In the legionary context, a mission refers to a contingent task with a definitive completion stage, such as the construction of a road or the defeat of an enemy. An operation refers to an ongoing work assignment, such as regular municipal garbage removal or the manufacture of necessary goods.

In the Legionary System, there is no citizenship. Legionaries exchange service for provision. This forms the basis of the social contract in a legionated society which allows for the free association and sovereignty of the individual. One may abandon at will to volunteer their efforts to a different cause. The sovereignty of the individual is sacred to the Legionary cause.

As opposed to state-based sovereignty, or other polities dependent on traits like ethnicity or religion; Legiondom is a polity in its own founded on work-based battalionism. The combination of battalions working together to uphold the utilities of a civility are together the Legion.

Implicit in the Legion’s military substratum is a chain of command. The rank and file in the Legion is linear, hierarchical, and elect.

At the top is the Legate, the leader of the legion. This is an official who holds power to dictate the commands of the Cotillion, the popular assembly for the Legion.

Beneath them are the officery, the leader-delegates who represent the will of their battalion. They serve as officers within their battalions, and are responsible for effective management of the battalion through organizing with other battalions and contesting their needs. Should they choose, battalionaries may opt to regulary elect officers according to preset term standards, or they may choose to keep one for all time, these are examples to illustrate the different approaches to this position.

In this way, a confederal orientation of power derives from the battalions, bound to the internal convention of legionary rank, and power is channeled from the lowest strata upwards. 

The Legate is therefore no more a commander of the legion than a command resultant from the veritable authority of coalescence that battalion powers produce. 

Thus we see a stateless military polity composed of a confederacy of battalions acting together in a uniform body, autarkic and autotelic, as one Legion. Regulations and imperatives for this body are dictated by the Legion Legate, and passed down from superiors to their subordinates. Decisions for the Commons are determined by the collective participation in an assembly called Cotillion. Cotillion provides the opportunity to collaborate and delegate and share resources and establish alliances among the battalionry, in order for the proper maintenance and execution of civic function. Participation in Cotillion is subject to promotion and relegations, resultant of the pluralisms endemic to a direct democracy, which necessitates the strategic organization of coalitions and brigades to amplify the positions which otherwise may be eclipsed by the more dominant organizations. 

Pay in the Legion is equally divided and determined by rank and profession. Non-monetary payments are a major currency in the Legion’s compensation system. These non-monetary goods can look like upgraded housing, additional vacation, choice over job/work/location assignments, luxury goods, additional rations. The term “ration” has a habit of conjuring images of starvation and extremity, but in the ideal Legion, rations are plentiful and are comprised of necessary goods, luxury items, and more. The plentiful nature of the Legion’s monetary and rationary compensation system is not vestigial, but is rather core essential to the entire reason for Legiondom.

To remember in previous writings, one of the founding postulations in the proposal of Legiondom is that a modernized society with regimented and mobilized production could afford greater distributions of wealth, resources, and leisure time to society as a whole. It can also eliminate homelessness and abandonment of the poor, elderly, and disabled. The insurance of fair provisions of necessary goods is critical for maintaining conciliated manpower in a mobilized force.